Multi-source data focused on what's next.

In emerging markets, a single source of data can't give you the full picture. The industry dynamics are just too volatile to only rely on sales or market projections.

Our approach integrates data from multiple sources to ensure you get a 360-degree view of what's next.

Research in the Loop™ is foundational to the power of our platform. Our subject experts validate and influence the data we collect every step of the way so our products are built with industry-specific nuance.

Research in the Loop™ is a nod to human-in-the-loop (HITL) - a model centered on integrating humans and machine learning. We integrate our Research and Technology teams to develop, train, and expand our data lake and machine learning models. This allows us to identify trends increasingly faster and uncover insights other companies cannot.

LumiLake™ is our data lake built on a flexible, growing framework informed by our Research and Technology teams.

Knocking down silos is at the core of who we are. All our data is cleansed and integrated in this single environment so we can accurately cross-compare the drivers of emerging markets.

We got our start in the messiest industries of this generation: CBD and Cannabis.

In 2015, we set out to size the US cannabis market. Traditional market research could not effectively do this as point-of-sale data just didn't exist. We developed a multi-source model to measure the size of the prize.

In 2018, we did the same in CBD, predicting the 2019 boom. Then, our clients needed consumer insights. We developed another multi-source solution to deeply understand consumers so marketers could take action faster.

We know emerging categories and trends, and they're very messy. We dug in to create innovative solutions that uncover the right answers for our clients. And we're only getting started.

How our approach works

We collect data from multiple sources.

Emerging categories require multi-source data to get the full picture.

That's why we collect, integrate, and analyze data including:

• Social Listening
• Consumer Surveys with Opt-In Social Tracking
• Web Analytics
• Financial and Regulatory Data
• Digital Menu Audits
• Brand and Product Analysis

We cleanse and integrate all this data into LumiLake™.

Ever try comparing apples to oranges? Well, we have and it’s quite frustrating.

By cleansing multi-source data into an adaptable framework informed by subject experts, everything is cross-comparable.

Our customers and teams use this evolving ecosystem of data to uncover deeper insights much faster than traditional research.

Our machine learning models are trained to find trends in the ecosystem.

Emerging markets move pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around, you could miss them. 

By leveraging AI to identify trends, our clients can uncover deep insights they would not find anywhere else.

These models are trained by our researchers with insights only humans can find.

This is just one example of our Research in the Loop™ process.

This training can include:

‍• Personality and interest trends from wellness consumers
• Attribute and topic tagging for social conversations
• Brand, positioning, product category, and topic tagging for digital menu audits

This ensures our data adapts alongside emerging categories.

With smarter machines comes faster and deeper insight.

Machine learning allows us to uncover emerging trends faster and faster within the data, like a flywheel perpetually increasing speed.

Traditional market research companies are fundamentally not built for this. Their data is often siloed and unable to talk to each other.

Uncovering emerging trends with an antiquated system is a slow and expensive endeavor. And the clients are the ones who end up paying for it. We're here to change that.

Meet Evergi™

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